
Let’s delve deeper into some of the benefits of Reiki: 1. Stress Reduction: In our fast-paced lives, chronic stress can lead to a range of health issues. Reiki sessions create a calming environment, triggering the body’s relaxation response. This not only reduces immediate feelings of stress but also helps regulate stress hormones over time. 2. Healing: Reiki promotes a holistic approach to healing. By channeling energy to areas of the body that require attention, proponents believe it can accelerate natural healing processes, aiding recovery from surgeries, injuries, or illnesses. 3. Balancing Energy: The concept behind Reiki revolves around the idea of balancing and harmonizing the body’s energy flow. When energy centers (chakras) are blocked or imbalanced, it may lead to physical or emotional disturbances. Reiki aims to restore balance, fostering a harmonious flow of energy throughout the body. 4. Pain Relief: While not a replacement for medical treatments, many individuals report a reduction in pain levels after Reiki sessions. This could be due to the relaxation effects, improved circulation, or the release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers. 5. Emotional Healing: Traumatic experiences, daily stresses, and emotional challenges can leave imprints on our psyche. Reiki sessions provide a safe space to release suppressed emotions, allowing individuals to process feelings, gain clarity, and cultivate emotional resilience. 6. Enhanced Well-being: Beyond addressing specific issues, many people turn to Reiki for an overall sense of well-being. Regular sessions can boost mood, increase vitality, and provide a deeper connection to oneself, fostering a sense of inner peace and clarity. It’s essential to note that while many individuals find Reiki beneficial, it’s essential to approach it as a complementary therapy and consult with healthcare professionals for any medical concerns. Our Practical Magicka reiki healers and all Master Reiki Practitioners. Please call to book a session and or if you have any questions, call us or emails!

Feng shui, which translates to “wind-water” in English, has its roots in ancient Chinese philosophy and cosmology. The core principle is to create harmonious environments that enhance well-being, prosperity, and relationships by balancing the energies present within spaces. Here are some key concepts and practices associated with feng shui: 1. Five Elements: Feng shui uses five elements—wood, fire, earth, metal, and water—to balance energies in a space. Each element is associated with specific colors, shapes, and materials. For instance, water might be represented by wavy patterns or blue colors, while fire could be represented by triangular shapes or red hues. 2. Bagua Map: This is a fundamental tool in feng shui that divides a space into nine areas, each corresponding to different aspects of life such as wealth, health, career, and relationships. By aligning certain objects or colors with specific areas on the Bagua map, practitioners believe they can enhance those aspects of life. 3. Yin and Yang: This concept represents the balance between opposing forces. In feng shui, achieving a balance between yin (passive) and yang (active) energies is essential for creating a harmonious environment. For example, a room that is too dark (excessive yin) might benefit from adding brighter elements (more yang). 4. Flow of Chi: Central to feng shui is the idea of chi, or life force energy, circulating freely through spaces. Clutter, sharp angles, or blocked pathways can disrupt the flow of chi, leading to stagnation or imbalance. Arranging furniture, using mirrors, and incorporating plants are common strategies to promote a smooth flow of chi. 5. Placement and Direction: The orientation and placement of furniture, doors, and windows are crucial in feng shui. For instance, the direction a door faces or the position of a bed relative to a door might be adjusted to optimize energy flow and support specific life goals. While feng shui has ancient origins rooted in Chinese culture and philosophy, its principles have gained popularity worldwide as people seek to create more harmonious and balanced living and working environments. Out in-house Practitioners offer consultations or guidance on implementing feng shui principles tailored to individual needs and goals. This can be for home or business!

Chanting has been practiced across cultures and religions for centuries, and its benefits span various dimensions—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual: 1. Relaxation and Stress Reduction: The rhythmic repetition of sounds or mantras in chanting can induce a meditative state, triggering the relaxation response in the body. This helps reduce cortisol levels, the primary stress hormone, leading to a feeling of calmness and tranquility. 2. Focus and Mindfulness: Chanting requires concentration on the sound, rhythm, and meaning of the words or sounds being repeated. This focus can help clear the mind of distractions, enhance concentration, and cultivate mindfulness—being present in the moment without judgment. 3. Emotional Healing: Chanting can be a therapeutic tool for emotional healing. The vibrations produced by chanting can resonate with the body’s energy centers or chakras, helping to release emotional blockages and promote emotional well-being. 4. Spiritual Connection: For many, chanting serves as a spiritual practice, connecting them with higher consciousness, divine energy, or their inner selves. The repetitive nature of chanting can create a sense of transcendence, allowing individuals to experience a deeper connection with the universe or their spiritual beliefs. 5. Community and Unity: Chanting is often performed in groups, whether in religious ceremonies, spiritual gatherings, or cultural events. This collective practice fosters a sense of community, unity, and shared purpose, strengthening social bonds and promoting a sense of belonging. 6. Physical Benefits: Some studies suggest that chanting can have physiological benefits, such as lowering heart rate, reducing blood pressure, and improving respiratory function. The deep breathing associated with chanting can enhance oxygenation of the blood, promoting overall health and well-being. In summary, chanting offers a multifaceted approach to promoting health, well-being, and spiritual growth. Whether practiced individually or collectively, its rhythmic repetition, focus, and intentionality can have profound effects on the mind, body, and spirit. Join us for our chanting classes and meditation.

Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meanings to dreams. Throughout history, various cultures and psychologists have proposed different theories and methods to interpret dreams. Some believe that dreams offer insights into the subconscious mind, emotions, desires, or past experiences of the dreamer. Others see dreams as reflections of daily events or random brain activity during sleep. Dream analysis can involve examining symbols, themes, emotions, and events within a dream to derive potential interpretations or insights about the dreamer’s life. Dream interpretation has a rich and varied history across cultures and disciplines. Here's a more detailed exploration: 1. **Historical Perspectives**: Ancient civilizations, such as the Egyptians and Greeks, believed that dreams were messages from gods or foretellers of the future. They often relied on priests or seers to interpret these messages. In other cultures, dreams were seen as a portal to another realm or a reflection of one's soul. 2. **Freudian Theory**: Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, proposed that dreams are the "royal road to the unconscious." He believed that dreams represent disguised desires, fears, or unresolved conflicts from childhood. According to Freud, analyzing dreams could provide insights into a person's psyche and help uncover repressed memories or emotions. 3. **Jungian Theory**: Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist and colleague of Freud, introduced a different perspective on dream interpretation. Jung believed that dreams serve to compensate for aspects of the psyche that are underdeveloped or neglected. He emphasized symbols, archetypes, and collective unconscious elements in dreams. For Jung, dreams offered a pathway to self-discovery and integration. 4. **Modern Perspectives**: Contemporary psychologists and therapists often view dream interpretation as a tool for understanding emotions, experiences, and behaviors. While some adhere to Freudian or Jungian principles, others approach dreams from cognitive, neuroscientific, or cultural perspectives. Cognitive theories may focus on how dreams help process information or solve problems, while neuroscientific research explores the brain mechanisms involved in dreaming. 5. **Common Symbols**: Many dream analysts believe that certain symbols have universal meanings, although interpretations can vary based on personal experiences and cultural contexts. For example, water might symbolize emotions or the unconscious, while flying could represent freedom or transcendence. Analyzing recurring symbols or themes in dreams can provide clues about underlying concerns, aspirations, or conflicts in a person's life. In summary, dream interpretation is a multifaceted practice that combines elements of psychology, culture, symbolism, and personal experience. While interpretations can be subjective and vary widely, many people find value in exploring their dreams to gain insights, resolve issues, or enhance self-awareness. Our teachers can guide you into self discovery and mastery of dream interpretation. Call or book a session!

Tea reading, often referred to as tasseography or tasseomancy, is a divination method where patterns formed by tea leaves in a cup are interpreted to predict one’s future or gain insight into their life. The process typically involves drinking tea from a cup, leaving a small amount of liquid at the bottom, and then turning the cup upside down to let the leaves create patterns. A reader then examines these patterns to offer interpretations. While some people believe in its accuracy, it’s essential to approach it with an open mind and not solely rely on it for making significant life decisions.

Psychometry is a form of psychic ability wherein individuals believe they can obtain information about a person or object by touching it. Those who practice psychometry claim that when they touch an object, they can receive impressions or vibrations, which allow them to perceive information about the object’s history or the person who owns or owned it. This could include emotions, images, thoughts, or events associated with that object or individual. Like other forms of psychic phenomena, psychometry is not universally accepted or scientifically validated but remains a topic of interest and study within parapsychology and alternative belief systems.

Tarot is a deck of cards traditionally used for divination, guidance, and introspection. A standard Tarot deck has 78 cards, divided into two main sections: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. 1. **Major Arcana (22 cards):** These cards represent significant life events, lessons, and archetypal themes. Examples include "The Fool," "The Lovers," and "Death." Each card has its unique symbolism and interpretation. 2. **Minor Arcana (56 cards):** These cards are divided into four suits—Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles (or Coins). Each suit typically has cards numbered from Ace to 10, followed by four court cards: Page, Knight, Queen, and King. The Minor Arcana often relates to day-to-day events, emotions, challenges, and practical matters. During a Tarot reading, a reader shuffles the cards and lays them out in a specific pattern or spread. The cards' positions and their interactions with one another are then interpreted to provide insights, guidance, or answers to the seeker's questions. While Tarot readings can offer valuable perspectives and introspections, it's essential to approach them as a tool for reflection rather than a definitive prediction of the future. Come visit us during our fair and meet the most amazing readers! Let's delve deeper into the world of Tarot. The Origins and History: The origins of Tarot are somewhat mysterious and debated. Some believe the cards have roots in ancient cultures like Egypt or China, while others see them as originating from medieval Europe. Initially, Tarot cards were simply playing cards but evolved into a tool for divination and spiritual introspection over time. The Structure of the Cards: 1. **Major Arcana:** These 22 cards symbolize significant life themes and spiritual lessons. They represent broader, more profound energies or events in one's life journey. For instance, "The Fool" often signifies new beginnings or taking a leap of faith, while "The Tower" can indicate unexpected upheavals or revelations. 2. **Minor Arcana:** Comprising 56 cards, the Minor Arcana offers insights into day-to-day experiences and challenges. The four suits each have their unique symbolism: - **Wands:** Associated with inspiration, creativity, and action. - **Cups:** Relate to emotions, relationships, and intuition. - **Swords:** Represent thoughts, challenges, conflicts, and decisions. - **Pentacles (or Coins):** Connect to material aspects, such as finances, career, and physical well-being. Tarot Reading Practices: - **Shuffling:** This process helps the reader or querent (the person asking the question) connect energetically with the cards. - **Spreads:** Different spreads, like the Celtic Cross or Three-Card Spread, dictate how cards are laid out. Each position in the spread has a specific meaning, influencing the card's interpretation. - **Intuition and Interpretation:** While Tarot cards have traditional meanings, intuition plays a crucial role in readings. A skilled reader will combine card symbolism with intuition to offer personalized insights. Modern Perspectives: Today, Tarot has evolved beyond its historical and mystical roots. Many people use Tarot cards for self-reflection, meditation, creativity, and personal growth. While some practitioners believe in the cards' mystical powers, others view Tarot as a psychological tool, helping individuals access their subconscious thoughts and feelings. Whether you approach Tarot as a spiritual practice, a psychological tool, or merely a form of entertainment, its symbolism, and imagery offer rich avenues for exploration. Like any tool for introspection, Tarot's value lies in the gifts of the readers!

Candle magic is a form of ritualistic magic that utilizes candles as the primary tool to manifest intentions, desires, or outcomes. The practice dates back centuries and is rooted in various cultures and spiritual traditions. Here's a closer look at candle magic: Basics of Candle Magic: 1. **Choosing a Candle:** Different colors represent various intentions. For example: - **Red:** Love, passion, courage. - **Green:** Prosperity, abundance, fertility. - **Blue:** Healing, peace, intuition. - **White:** Purity, cleansing, spiritual enlightenment. 2. **Setting Intentions:** Before lighting the candle, practitioners often infuse it with their intention or desire. This could be done through visualization, meditation, or spoken affirmations. 3. **Cleansing:** Some practitioners believe in cleansing the candle (and themselves) before starting the ritual to remove any negative energies. This can be done using salt, sage, or other purifying elements. 4. **Dressing the Candle:** This involves anointing the candle with oils, herbs, or inscribing symbols or words on it to enhance its energy and align it with the desired outcome. 5. **Lighting the Candle:** As the candle burns, the flame is believed to carry the intention into the universe, acting as a beacon or amplifier for the practitioner's desires or goals. 6. **Observing Signs:** Practitioners often pay attention to the candle's behavior as it burns. For instance, a steady flame might indicate positive energy, while a flickering or uneven flame could suggest obstacles or challenges. Variations and Practices: 1. **Candle Colors:** As mentioned, different colors correspond to specific intentions. Some practitioners also incorporate multicolored candles or layered candles to address multiple goals or energies simultaneously. 2. **Moon Phases:** Many practitioners align their candle magic rituals with the phases of the moon, believing that different lunar phases enhance specific intentions. For instance, performing a ritual during the new moon might focus on new beginnings or intentions, while the full moon could amplify energies or bring projects to fruition. 3. **Incorporating Herbs and Oils:** Many practitioners enhance their candle magic rituals by incorporating herbs, essential oils, crystals, or inscriptions to amplify intentions, add layers of meaning, or provide additional energy. Candle magic, like other forms of ritualistic or ceremonial practices, serves as a tool for focused intention setting, manifestation, and spiritual connection for many individuals. While its efficacy is subjective and varies among practitioners, the ritualistic aspects, symbolism, and intentionality involved can provide a sense of empowerment, clarity, and alignment with one's desires or spiritual path. Call to book a session! We also carry specialty candles and oils in store!

Sound baths are a form of sound therapy that utilizes various instruments, such as Tibetan singing bowls, crystal bowls, gongs, chimes, and other resonant tools, to create healing vibrations and frequencies. The primary aim of a sound bath is to promote relaxation, meditation, stress reduction, and overall well-being through immersion in sound. Basics of Sound Baths: 1. **Setting the Space:** Sound baths often take place in a tranquil setting where participants lie down or sit comfortably. The environment is usually dimly lit, and participants are encouraged to close their eyes, relax, and focus inward. 2. **Instruments and Sounds:** The facilitator plays various instruments in a deliberate, rhythmic manner, creating a tapestry of sounds, vibrations, and frequencies that envelop the participants. Each instrument produces unique tones and vibrations that resonate with different energy centers or chakras in the body. 3. **Intention Setting:** Before or during the sound bath, participants may be invited to set an intention or focus for the session. This could be related to healing, stress relief, emotional release, or personal transformation. 4. **Duration:** Sound baths can last anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour or more, depending on the facilitator's style, the instruments used, and the overall intention of the session. Benefits and Effects: 1. **Relaxation and Stress Reduction:** The soothing sounds and vibrations can help calm the nervous system, reduce stress, and promote relaxation. 2. **Meditative State:** Many participants enter a deep meditative state during a sound bath, enhancing mindfulness, awareness, and inner peace. 3. **Physical and Energetic Healing:** Proponents believe that sound vibrations can stimulate cellular healing, balance energy centers, or chakras, and promote overall physical and energetic well-being. 4. **Emotional Release:** Some individuals experience emotional release, catharsis, or clarity during or after a sound bath, allowing them to process emotions, traumas, or blockages. Variations and Practices: 1. **Group vs. Individual Sessions:** Sound baths can be conducted in group settings, where multiple participants experience the healing vibrations together, or in individual sessions tailored to a person's specific needs or intentions. 2. **Combination with Other Practices:** Some facilitators combine sound baths with other healing modalities, such as guided meditation, Reiki, or breathwork, to enhance the overall experience and benefits: Sound baths offer a unique and immersive healing experience that combines ancient wisdom, modern therapeutic techniques, and the transformative power of sound and vibration. Whether used for relaxation, meditation, healing, or personal growth, sound baths continue to resonate with individuals seeking holistic wellness and spiritual connection in today's fast-paced world. Join us for our amazing healing sound baths here at Practical Magicka

Mindfulness is important for various reasons, encompassing mental, emotional, physical, and relational aspects of well-being. Here's a breakdown of its significance: 1. **Present Moment Awareness:** Mindfulness cultivates the ability to be fully present, engaged, and attentive to the current moment. In a world filled with distractions and multitasking, this skill enhances focus, clarity, and productivity. 2. **Stress Reduction:** By grounding individuals in the present moment, mindfulness practices such as meditation, breathing exercises, and mindful movement can reduce stress, anxiety, and rumination. It encourages a non-judgmental acceptance of thoughts, emotions, and sensations, fostering inner calm and resilience. 3. **Emotional Regulation:** Mindfulness fosters greater awareness and acceptance of one's emotions without becoming overwhelmed or reactive. This emotional intelligence enables individuals to respond more skillfully to challenging situations, relationships, and internal experiences. 4. **Enhanced Self-awareness:** Mindfulness practices encourage introspection and self-reflection, leading to a deeper understanding of oneself, including thoughts, beliefs, values, triggers, and patterns of behavior. This self-awareness is foundational for personal growth, authenticity, and transformation. 5. **Improved Mental Health:** Numerous studies have demonstrated the benefits of mindfulness for mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and substance abuse. It provides individuals with tools and techniques to manage symptoms, reduce relapse rates, and enhance overall well-being. 6. **Physical Health Benefits:** Beyond mental and emotional well-being, mindfulness practices have been linked to various physical health benefits, including reduced chronic pain, improved sleep quality, enhanced immune function, lower blood pressure, and better cardiovascular health. 7. **Enhanced Relationships:** Mindfulness cultivates qualities such as compassion, empathy, patience, and non-reactivity, which are essential for healthy relationships. By promoting active listening, presence, and understanding, it fosters deeper connections, intimacy, and communication with others. 8. **Resilience and Coping:** Mindfulness practices strengthen resilience by teaching individuals to navigate challenges, setbacks, and uncertainties with greater equanimity, flexibility, and adaptability. It encourages a growth mindset, acceptance of impermanence, and a balanced perspective on life's ups and downs. 9. **Spiritual Growth and Connection:** For those on a spiritual path, mindfulness serves as a gateway to deeper spiritual insights, connection, and awakening. It cultivates qualities such as gratitude, awe, reverence, and interconnectedness with oneself, others, nature, and the universe. In summary, mindfulness is a transformative practice that promotes holistic well-being, resilience, self-awareness, and meaningful connection. By cultivating presence, acceptance, and compassion, it empowers individuals to live more authentic, balanced, and fulfilling lives, navigating challenges with grace, wisdom, and integrity.

Amulets are considered beneficial by many for several reasons: 1. **Symbolism**: Amulets often carry symbolic meanings that resonate with individuals. Symbols like the evil eye, crosses, or specific runes have historical and cultural significance, offering comfort or protection based on belief systems. 2. **Intention Setting**: By creating or wearing an amulet with a specific intention, individuals can focus their energy and thoughts toward a particular goal, such as protection, healing, or attracting positive energy. 3. **Psychological Comfort**: Belief in the power of an amulet can provide psychological comfort. Knowing that you have a tangible object representing protection or a specific intention can boost confidence and alleviate anxiety. 4. **Cultural and Historical Significance**: Throughout history and across cultures, amulets have been used for protection, healing, and spiritual purposes. Drawing upon this collective belief and practice can add to the perceived effectiveness of an amulet. 5. **Connection to Spirituality**: For many, creating or wearing an amulet fosters a deeper connection to their spiritual beliefs and practices. It serves as a physical reminder of spiritual principles and intentions. 6. **Focus and Mindfulness**: Amulets can serve as a focal point for meditation or mindfulness practices. By holding or focusing on the amulet, individuals can center their thoughts, align with their intentions, and cultivate a sense of inner peace. While the effectiveness of amulets is largely based on personal beliefs and experiences, many people find value in them as tools for protection, healing, and spiritual connection. Join us for a class on making your very own amulet! Check our Calendar for class dates or call the store for details. ********* Magic Wands Magic wands have a long history and are often associated with mystical practices, folklore, and popular culture. Here's a brief overview: 1. **Historical and Cultural Roots**: The concept of magic wands can be traced back to various ancient civilizations and cultures, including Egyptian, Celtic, and Norse traditions. These wands were often used by priests, shamans, or individuals believed to possess supernatural powers. 2. **Symbolism**: Wands are symbolic tools representing power, authority, and the ability to manifest change. In many traditions, they are associated with the element of air or fire and are used in rituals, ceremonies, and spellwork to channel energy. 3. **Materials**: Traditional magic wands were crafted from various materials, including wood (such as oak, willow, or elder), metals (like copper or silver), and crystals (such as quartz or amethyst). The material often carries its own energetic properties and associations. 4. **Usage**: In modern magical practices, wands are used for directing energy, casting circles, invoking deities, and performing rituals or spells. The wand serves as a conduit, allowing practitioners to focus their intentions and manipulate spiritual energies. 5. **Popular Culture**: Magic wands are prominently featured in literature, films, and television shows, particularly within the fantasy genre. Iconic examples include the wand of Harry Potter fame, which has further popularized the concept of wands in contemporary culture. 6. **Personalized Wands**: Many modern practitioners craft or purchase personalized wands tailored to their spiritual beliefs, intentions, and energetic preferences. These wands may be adorned with symbols, inscriptions, or crystals to enhance their efficacy and resonance. In essence, magic wands serve as tools for focusing intention, channeling energy, and connecting with spiritual forces. Their significance and usage vary depending on cultural, religious, and individual perspectives. Join us for our soldering Class and make Your Magic wands! Check our calendar for Dates!

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique℠ (QHHT℠)  created by Dolores Cannon. Quantum healing hypnosis therapy is one of the most effective methods for  increased self awareness and transformational healing. How does the healing work? Experiencing this remarkable technique allows exploration into your hidden universe.  By having access to the various levels of the mind during this profoundly healing process, a person is able to holistic integrate the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of themselves, which  effortlessly provides a greater sense of  inner wisdom. As a clinical hypnotherapist, past life regression therapist and shamanic practitioner I can assist you to entire into the altered states that allows you to journey into this inner world of self discovery. I use all of my skills as a guide to ensure that you receive the most benefits from your session.  When we  relax into the alpha or theta brainwave states it naturally expands our awareness and we are pleasantly surprised to discover an interactive spiritual world. Why and when do you need a session   If you want resolve your past, release family patterns, heal health problems or find meaning and purpose in your life, then you will benefit from a session.   What is expected during a session   Trust the process When you come for your a QHHT session you need to come with an open minded and expect the unexpected. Allowing your mind to become curious as we do this inner journey work together enables the process to go where its needed the most. The session gives you a direct experience of your spiritual essence and initiates healing that is immediate and lasting.  Through the hypnosis process you will have access to the part of the mind that is normally hidden from the consciousness. This transformational experiences allows you to access you natural ability  to explore our souls history, resolve conflicts and  have the  direct experience of our authentic spiritual essence. Healing process I feel humbled and blessed to be initiated into this amazing healing work, because it gives me the opportunity to work with the subconscious mind (SC) of others whilst they communicate from their higher consciousness.   I am amazed by the wisdom, insights and  healing available to my clients during their experiences I have been privileged to witnessed my clients experience deep spiritual healing and intense emotional release that have transformed their lives. What’s possible? By having access to the Akashic records ancestral healing can take place and Karma can be re-balanced.  The results are unique for everyone, but for everyone healing is possible. Being able to ask your own SC questions is a profound and wonderful experience as your SC knows everything about your soul's history.   Some of the questions that can be answered during the session are: Why you came into this life What are your most important lessons Why were you born into our family of origin Why are you having relationship issues Why you feel like you shouldn’t have been born Some of what can be discovered: The cause of some physical illnesses The cause of emotional issues The cause of spiritual blocks The cause of financial blocks Phobias & Fears The benefits can be life changing. So many of my clients that have experienced a past life regression tell me it will stay with them forever. What to expect during your session: The sessions will run for about 2- 160 minutes sessions, this allows enough time to enable you to feel comfortable and to share with me what you need from the session.  It also allows the time needed to connect with the past lives that are need to be reviewed in order to resolve the issues, as well as the energy clearing and balancing. What’s involved? Initial Session During the initial part of the session we will have interview questions regarding your present life, we will discuss what you would like to gain from your experience, I will ask you to consider the questions you would like answered during the actual regression therapy session. Past life Regression From the initial consultation you will directed into your past lives where you  will gain access to knowledge about yourself not available in a normal waking state or even in meditation.  We will go to two or three past lives, then delve and connect to your higher self. QHHT The QHHT is the deepest level, where healing is possible and transformation for those deep wounds from many life takes can heal. Everyone’s experience is unique and because this work is directed from the higher powers, no guarantee can be given as to what is possible, except to understand whatever you experience will be what your own soul needs to you experience. What to expect after the session This is deep healing work, so for the rest of the day I suggest you relax and let the process integrate into your conscious mind. The benefits are often noticed straight away, but the full results will be continue over the coming weeks and even months for most people. What’s possible always amazes me. Realistic Expectations Although this is a very healing process its important to understand that the session may not fully address all your life long issues.  The sessions are unique and directed by your higher self and although I will do my best to address all of your questions the outcome can not be guaranteed. These sessions require a lot of concentration and an ability to relax into the experience and trust what you are experiencing,  therefore I do not recommend a QHHT session if you have not experience hypnosis or regular guided meditation before. Please ask me for some alternatives and we can discuss other options for you.  My recommendation if you are feeling blocked and are not able to reach a deeper state of relaxation but are wanting to do some clearing is a Spiritual Healing Hypnosis Session please check the link for more details or call Practical Magicka to set up a complimentary consultation where Eva can answer all your questions.

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